Saturday, May 14, 2011

I ate a Muffin

So, the other day when blogger was down, I was all set to come home and break the news...I ate a muffin.  A blueberry muffin, on Thursday morning.  Why? I forgot my breakfast at home, and I was ravenous...

It was off-plan, yes, but I was hungry, I had made them for the kids, and my eggs were unreachable.  It was also a regular-sized muffin (not the muffin that ate San Francisco or anything like that), and I've eaten "on plan" otherwise.

But then I have to make some other confessions for the week...I was probably ravenous Thursday (usually not in the morning...) for several reasons: my body is getting onto a healthier schedule, it's got expectations of meal times, and I've been so busy this week, I haven't been sticking to that schedule.  In fact, looking back on my mid-week, I was not eating enough calories.  This is not okay, and even though the foods were on-plan, the method was not...

Where was my focus?  Work is crazy now, and I've been working through lunch.  My job is one that does not allow "snack" time as I teach high school, so the five minutes I left at the end of lunch was not time to eat adequately. 

The scale has reflected this...I'm not even down half a pound.  BUT, I'm not up, and I do not blame the muffin.  I am the one who makes the decisions, and the muffin was an innocent bystander.  Yesterday also ended up being crazy, but I plan to use the weekend to ensure I'm on track, and next week should be much less hectic, and even if it is, I'm going to eat a proper lunch!

Here's what I'm not going to do: throw the towel in today and tomorrow to "start fresh" Monday.  Why? Because I don't deserve that.  I'm also not going to beat myself up over the muffin.  Beating myself up over "off plan" choices is why I've quit every diet I've ever been on.  As I don't consider myself to be crazy, I should not exhibit behavior that defines it.

As a teacher, we've been trained to reflect, constantly, and then to figure out what went wrong and what we can do to fix it.  Where my exercise has been consistent, my intake has not, and that's what I must work on this week.

Happy Weekend to you!

1 comment:

  1. I so admire your rational head with regards to the muffin! You sound like you're really 'in the game' and that this time you're in it for good. Way to go!!!

