Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To Weigh or Not to Weigh

 I'm happy to have a few followers!  Hopefully you will find my journey worth following!

Okay, who's with me on this little story.  You're at the doctor's office, and you're filling out information before the the appointment.  When it comes to weight, you guestimate.  Why?  Because you can't remember the last time you looked at the scale.  It's buried somewhere in the storage room, or you threw it out of the car on a deserted highway.  You put down a number, one that you know is probably somewhere between the hope and the truth.  Once led into the office, you cringe as you step on the scale.  You might even avert your eyes.  It's hard to face the truth...

That was me for so many years...beginning all the way back in middle school.  I hated knowing my weight, because it was always too high.  Never mind the fact that I was several inches taller than most of my lighter friends.  Never mind that I was within a healthy range for my body structure. Never mind it all, because I couldn't see the truth of myself at the time.  And the more I hid from the scale, the more what I feared was true actually became true.

A couple of years ago, I bought a scale.  I must confess I do not know what my heaviest weight was, but I can guess it was quite a bit more than I am now. (I began to exercise regularly before I had the confidence to buy the hindsight, that was probably good.)  I know how much I weigh now, and I can give a pretty accurate range for the last two years.

Now it's a balancing act of weighing too little and too often.  Sometimes, when I think I've had a great day, I can't help but jump on the scale, because I want to see the results RIGHT NOW.  So it's awful when it's not reflected.  (I do understand why this would be, scientifically, but I still find myself looking for numerical confirmation of my efforts.) This relationship with the scale is one I must work on.  I cannot become dependent upon it to give my validation.  Sometimes it will be telling me things I do not completely understand.  I must also trust it to tell the truth, and I must not run from it either!

Activity for the day: Old-fashioned walking in the May sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. I can completely relate to this post!! I just about flipped out yesterday, and you know what? Today, my weight is right back down. I hate being a slave to the scale. People say to take measurements, and judge by clothes, but I'm so neurotic that I just need to know the number - even though I can rationally say it doesn't mean anything! I let it rule my days...however, I did cheer up yesterday.
    Let us know what you plan to do - weigh daily? weekly? measurements?
