Monday, May 9, 2011

This is One of THOSE days...

Today is a prime example of why it may not be good to weigh daily...oh, so far up!  I know why, and it's to be expected, but the psychological effect of actually seeing it is jarring.  Still, I have confidence that I am following this thing correctly, and I will see it move in the proper direction again (and hopefully then some)...

On another note, the weather has been gorgeous these last few days, and I'm about to go enjoy a nice evening walk.  I find they are the best things for stress, of which I am feeling a fair amount of at the moment!


  1. Hi there, I thought I posted something yesterday, but don’t see, anyway, I am still on the attack phase and today is the first day that I am up. I believe that it is a result of the weekend have a few cocktails too many. But today is a new day for us all, keep up the good work and it will pay off. Thanks for the blog, I enjoy reading it and it is very inspiring.

  2. One thing that I finds help is to keep track of my weight someplace like calorie count, which has a line for both the actual weight and the trending weight. It helps me see the long term picture with my weight rather than getting hung up on each day's result.

    & Thanks for your blog! I have started one here to keep track of the diet:


  3. Welcome to both of you! Yes, those cocktails can be murder, TC! Stick to it! And I agree with you, AB. It is great to see the visual on a moving scale. I wish you much success!!
